6382 abbreviations

Sergei Fadeev



A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1-4
Internet country codes


This section contains 183 abbreviations

Abbreviation English interpretation
B binary
B bit
BA binary add
BA Branch Amplifier
BAC balanced asynchronous class
BAC binary-analog conversion
BAC binary asymmetric channel
BACP Bandwidth Allocation Protocol
BAK backup
BAS basic activity subset
BASIC Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
BAT batch file
BBC broadband Bearer Capability
BBS Bulletin Board Service
BBS Bulletin Board Systems
BC Bearer Capability
BC binary code
BC broadcast channel
BC byte computer
BCBDS Broadband Connectionless Data Bearer Service
BCC block check character
BCD binary coded decimal
BCD/B binary coded decimal/binary
B-Channel Bearer Channel
BCI binary coded information
BCN broadband communication network
BCN business communication network
BCOB Broadband Class of Bearer
BCR business card reader
BCS basic catalog structure
BCS basic combined subset
BCS block checking sequence
BCS British Computer Society
BCT Business Cordless Telephony
BCU Broadcast Control Unit
BCW buffer control word
bd bit density
bd board
BDAM basic direct access method
BDC backup domain controller
BDC binary-decimal counter
BDE Borland database engine
BDF business design facility
BDLC Borroughs Data Link Control Protocol
BDOS Basic Disk Operating System
BDP business data processing
BDU basic display unit
BE basic equipment
BE Boolean expression
BEAMOS beam addressed MOS
BEB binary exponential backoff
BEC back-end computer
BECN backward explicit congestion notification
BEP back-end processor
BER basic encoding rules
BER bit error rate
BERT bit error rate tester
BETRS Basic Exchange Telecommunication Radio Service
BEV Billion Electron Volts
BFLOPS billion of floating-point operations per second
bfr buffer
BFS Boot File System
BFT binary file transfer
BGI Borland graphics interface
BGP Border Gateway Protocol
BGT Broadcast and Group Translators
BIC bus interface controller
BICI broadband intercarrier interface
B-ICI SAAL B-ICI Signaling ATM Adaptation Layer
BIDEC binary-to-decimal conversion
BIFO biased FIFO
BIGFET bipolar insulated gate field effect transistor
BILBO built-in logic block observer
BIM beginning-of-information marker
bimag bistable magnetic (element)
BIN bank identification number
bin binary
BIOS Basic Input-Output System
BIP Bit Interleaved Parity
BIPS billion instructions per second
BISAM basic indexed sequential access method
B-ISDN Broadband Integrated Services Digital Network
BISSI Broadband Inter Switching System Interface
BIST built-in self-test
B-ISUP Broadband ISDN User's Part
BISYNC binary synchronous communications
BIT binary information transfer
BIT broadband infrastructure technology
BIT built-in test
bit binary digit
BitBlt bit block transfer
BitFAT bit-mapped file allocation table
BIU buffer interface unit
BIU bus interface unit
BIX binary information exchange
bkt bracket
bl blanking
bl block
BLAST blocked asynchronous transmission
BLER block error rate
blk blank
blk block
B-LLI Broadband Low layer Information
blnk blank
BLOB binary large objects
BLR binary language representation
BM basic module
BMA Broadcast Multiple Access
BMAG bistable magnetic element
BMC block-multiplexed channel
BMS broadcast message server
BMS business management system
BN binary number
BN Bridge Number
BN bus network
BNA Broadband Network Architecture
BNC bayonet locking connector
BNF Backus-Normal Form, Backus-Naur Form
B-NT Broadband Network Termination
BOC byte-oriented computer
BOCA Borland object component architecture
BOF Birds of Feather
BOM Beginning of Message
BOOTP Bootstrap Protocol
BOP Bit Oriented Protocol
BORAM block-oriented random-access memory
BOS basic operating system
BOT beginning of tape
BOT beginning of transmission
BP base pointer
BPAM basic partitioned access method
BPB BIOS parameter block
BPDU Bridge Protocol Data Unit
BPF Bandpass Filter
BPI business process improvement
BPI; bpi bit per inch
BPP Bridge port Pair
BPR business process reengineering
B-program benchmark program
BPS; bps bit per second
BPSK Binary Phase Shift Keying
BR boot record
BR boundary routing
br branch
BRA Basic Rate Access
B-rep boundary representation
BRI basic rate interface
BRIM Bridge Router Interface Module
BRM basic reference model
BS backspace (character)
BS binary subtract
BS British standard
BSA Business Software Alliance
BSAM basic sequential access method
b/s bit per second
BSC basic (message) switching center
BSC binary synchronous communication
BSCA binary synchronous communication adapter
BSD UNIX Berkeley Software Distribution UNIX
BSI British Standards Institute
BSN back-end storage network
BSP bit-serial processing
BSP Byte Stream Protocol
BSS bulk storage system
BSVC broadcast switched Virtual Connections
BT batch terminal
BT British Telecom
BTAC branch-target address cache
BTAG Begin Tag
BTAM basic telecommunication access method
BTB branch target buffer
B-TE broadband Terminal equipment
BTP Bulk Transfer Protocol
BTR bit transfer rate
BTS Base Transceiver Station
BTU basic transmission unit
BTW by the way
BUS Broadcast and Unknown Server
BW Bandwidth
BW-display black-and-white display
BWOD band width on demand
BYMUX byte-multiplexer (channel)

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1-4
Internet country codes

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Copyright © Sergei FADEEV, 2001

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